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Reminders for Chanuka and Hey Teves 5785
תזכורת לימי חג החנוכה וה’ טבת ה’תשפ”ה
מדריך רבני חב”ד באה”ק חנוכה ה’תשפ”ה
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Welcome to Our Community of Giving, Receiving & Sharing
Giving: Led by Rabbi Levi Garelik, an esteemed Rov, mashpia, orator and author, the SichosOnline.org virtual community is committed to spreading the light of Chassidus to bring about the final revelation of Moshiach.
Receiving: Rabbi Garelik offers his personal guidance to this community and to each of its members.
Sharing: Join us to gain cherished insight into the Rebbe’s words and take part in sharing this treasure with the world.
Membership Highlights
- A close community of people exploring Chassidus through the Rebbe’s Torah and sharing it with the world at large.
- Sponsoring partner’s name prominently displayed to several thousand people whenever a shiur is aired or a reply to a query is given.
- All participants will thus be indebted not only to the teacher but to the community and its sponsors.
- Access to a vast collection of Halacha and Hashkafa FAQs that Rabbi Garelik has been asked pertaining to the Jewish family life and frequently updated answers.
- Invaluable personal guidance for you and your family.