Elul: Why is Elul called a Rasha (Wicked)?
- Who is buried next to the “Megale Amukois”?
- What are the Roshei Teivos [acronym] of Elul?
- Who was Miriam Bas Bilga?
- What was the purpose of the rings in the Bais Hamikdosh?
- Who was Korach’s neighbor?
- What is the source for “Oi Lorosho Veoi Lishcheno” [woe is to the wicked and woe is to his neighbor]?
- What dos “Oi” mean? Is it a word or just a sound?
- What does Tkias [the sounding of the] Shofar symbolize?
- The Gemoro says that when the month of Av commences we diminish in joy. Why is this only till the 9th and not the whole month?
- Why did Hashem create Reshoim (evil people)?
- What is the wonderful lesson that we learn from this?
Based on Likutei Sichos Vol. 19 pages 65-66 and vol. 33 pages 10 and others
מיוסד על לקוטי שיחות חלק י”ט עמודים 65-66 ולקו”ש חלק לג ע’ 10 ועוד