Why did the Rebbe request that we learn Rambam daily?
In honor of the upcoming 38th Siyum Horambam – 4 Menachem Av 5779
In honor of the upcoming 38th Siyum Horambam - 4 Menachem Av 5779
Why do Lubavitchers learn the whole Rambam?
- 1. Why did the Rebbe start the תקנה of learning Rambam every day?
- 2. If the idea is to learn Halochos every day, why not learn Shulchon Oruch which is more practical?
- 3. Why does everyone have to learn the WHOLE Rambam, why don’t we do like the distribution of Shas of Yud tes kislev that everyone learns one Masechta?
- 4. What is the difference if you learn three chapters a day or one chapter?
- 5. Since when do women and children learn Rambam?
- 6. What is different between the Rambam’s preface and all other sforim?
- 7. Where did Reb Elimelech from Lizensk get his set of Rambam?
- 8. And what did the Chasam Sofer do every Motzoei Shabbos?
Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 27 pages 229-236 and others