About Rabbi Garelik

Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Garelik was born and raised in Milan, Italy (he is a very proud Italian), where his parents were sent by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 1958. He received Yore and Yodin from Rabbi Pikarsky (privately) at the Central Lubavitch Yeshiva. He received shimush for many years from Rabbis Marlow and – יבדלח”ט – Osdoba and Heller (of the Crown Heights Bais Din). He served as spiritual leader of Lubavitch Congregation in Boston and as a Rabbinic coordinator for OK Kosher certification. Currently, Rabbi Garelik serves as spiritual leader of the European Synagogue, right across the EU, in Brussels, and lectures extensively around the world.Rabbi Garelik has edited many halachik works, including the highly acclaimed “Kitzur Dinei Tahara,” and his “Guide” vol.1 (lifecycles) and “Guide” vol. 2 (Aveilus). A lot of that information is currently available in the “Ask a Shaila” section of this website.
Smicha & Letters
Contact Rabbi Garelik
If you have a Shaila, please go to the “Ask A Shaila” page. For all other matters, kindly click here to email him directly.