Elul: Why is Elul called a Rasha (Wicked)? Who is buried next to the “Megale Amukois”? What are the Roshei Teivos [acronym] of Elul? Who was Miriam Bas Bilga? What was the purpose of the rings in the Bais Hamikdosh? Who was Korach’s neighbor? What is the source for “Oi Lorosho Veoi Lishcheno” [woe is… Read more »

Who is Amalek?

Thanks but NO thanks and the birthday of the Baal Shem tov and the Alter Rebbe

The Paradox: On Rosh Hashono We Coronate Hashem But We Beseech Him for Our Personal Needs

What is the description of a true Jewish “leader”?

Archeology vs. Mesorah (tradition)

Why are the “broken Luchos” (tablets) more “cherished” by Hashem than the whole ones?

When the finishing touches are most important

Why do we need a Rebbe?

Why do children start learning Torah from Parshas Vayikra?