Why do we need “Orei Miklot” when Moshiach comes? What was the Rebbe’s first campaign which relayed his message?
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Why do we need “Orei Miklot” when Moshiach comes? What was the Rebbe’s first campaign which relayed his message?
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Is it Correct to Translate the Torah?
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Excuse me, did you put on Tefillin today? What does the word “Totafos” mean? Why are “Tefillin” called “Totafos”?
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The positive aspect of the broken Luchos (tablets) and a Yahrtzeit
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Elul: when do we start blowing the Shofar? The first day or the second day of Rosh Chodesh elul?
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Who is Amalek?
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Thanks but NO thanks and the birthday of the Baal Shem tov and the Alter Rebbe
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The Paradox: On Rosh Hashono We Coronate Hashem But We Beseech Him for Our Personal Needs