Based on Likutei Sichos Vol. 25 pages 19-22 and others

Parshas Noach- How can one window be enough light for the whole ark?

Bris Mila: Why is this Mitzva associated with pain?

The Akeida (part 1): What is the big deal? Ultimately – nothing happened to Yitzchok!

Chayei Sarah: What does Meoras ha“machpeila” mean? By: Rabbi Levi Y. Garelik Also: 1. Why is it called “Machpeila”? 2. What was “double”? 3. Why does Rashi give two explanations? 4. How does the Artscroll Chumas explain this? 5. What does Kabalah say about this? 6. Why were our Ovois (patriarchs) and Imahos (matriarchs) buried… Read more »

A tribute to the worldwide Shluchim conference (part 1) Would you give up everything you own for… a Shiduch?

Parshas Toldos – Was Esav “a frumer Yid”?

How was Yakov Ovinu permitted to marry four sisters? (part 1)

Parshas Parshas Vayeshev/Chanukah - Didn’t Yosef know that he is going into the lion’s den?