Welcome to TheOnlineRabbi.com, a new virtual community led by Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Garelik ’שי, an internationally-acclaimed orator, rabbi and author, known in Lubavitch circles as a skilled teacher of the Rebbe’s Sichos.
The Rebbe has stressed many times that we are in the “highest” times and we have tremendous opportunities by utilizing modern technology. And that is exactly what we hope to do.Join us to gain cherished insight into the Rebbe’s unique study of Torah and Avodas Hashem through weekly video classes on vast portions of the Rebbe’s original talks. By becoming a member of our community, you will play a immeasurable role in spreading the light of Chassidus worldwide.

The Virtual Community will be an online universe of limud hachassidus and darchei hachassidus for individuals and groups who want to connect straight to the source.For helping these lectures reach a worldwide audience, Rabbi Garelik offers the members of the Online Community access to a vast collection of practical guidance based on the Rebbe’s teachings on hundreds of topics searchable on demand. All right at your fingertips, updated daily.
The life of a Jew is filled with rich history, complex Halacha and beautiful Minhogim. The Online Rabbi will address the many Jewish and Chassidisher observances, providing deepened understanding of their significance. You will find answers to shailo’s ranging from:

By becoming a member of our community, you will not only enjoy all the benefits year round, you will also be sponsoring the “sichosonline” project, fulfilling the Ba’al Shem Tov’s call of “Spreading the wellsprings of Chassidus”. Every penny you give to “nurturing yourself” you are in essence “being on shlichus” and thereby hastening the coming of Moshiach.
To join the community, please click here. Please keep in mind that we are in the process of uploading all ‘Questions & Answers’, along with implementing a number of performance improvements. Please bear with us as all of our finishing touches are being made.
Do not forget: Rabbi Garelik wants your feedback and comments. Please email us at info@theonlinerabbi.com.
Thank you,
Rabbi Michoel Rosenblum and the SichosOnline Team
~ May we merit the fulfillment of Moshiachs reply to the Baal Shem Tov: When will you come? Lichsheyofutzu Mayenosecha Chutza! ~