Based on Likutei Sichos Vol. 25 pages 19-22 and others
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Based on Likutei Sichos Vol. 25 pages 19-22 and others
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Parshas Noach- How can one window be enough light for the whole ark?
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Bris Mila: Why is this Mitzva associated with pain?
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The Akeida (part 1): What is the big deal? Ultimately – nothing happened to Yitzchok!
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A tribute to the worldwide Shluchim conference (part 1) Would you give up everything you own for… a Shiduch?
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Parshas Toldos – Was Esav “a frumer Yid”?
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How was Yakov Ovinu permitted to marry four sisters? (part 1)
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Parshas Parshas Vayeshev/Chanukah - Didn’t Yosef know that he is going into the lion’s den?
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What is the big deal about the miracle of the oil? There were greater miracles in history!
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Pharaoh’s dreams were so simple – any farmer (or child) can figure them out!?